Under the heavenly canvas, where stars convene,

A messenger, prepares, from realms unseen.

Beneath the silver shroud of a moonlit night,

A white horse stands, an emblem pure and bright.

Moonlight Sonata, with mane that gleams,

A creature of wonder, the faithful who dream.

Amidst the canvas of darkness, patience an art,

Hooves anchored in stillness, a beat of heart.

Moonlight Sonata, immersed in eternal glow,

A reflection of calmness, God's whispers bestowed.

The steed of grace stands in a luminescent sublime.

Revealing a presence, believers will meet in due time.

In silent serenade a celestial ballet entwine,

An allegory profound, a message divine.

The white horse, a metaphor, a heavenly decree,

In its stillness, a lesson for hearts to see.

Oh, how God works in the quiet spaces within,

Guiding the soul to be calm, to shed our sin.

The night, a teacher, in shadows so grand,

A lesson of surrender, even trees understand.

A silhouette so bright, a beacon in the lunar sea,

God whispers softly, Be calm, you’ll soon be free.

In holy stillness, feel His Will unfold,

A story so divine, a narrative truth is told.

Moonlight Sonata, a vessel of heavenly grace,

Its presence, a reminder in the sacred space.

Amidst the black velvet night, a lesson so profound,

That God's will prevails in silence unbound.

Moonlight Sonata, a symbol of Victory,

A melody of triumph, a sweet symphony.

Oh, how God's holy light cascades down,

with fiery eyes and a luminous crown.

So, let Moonlight Sonata serenade your soul,

In the quiet moments, let God's presence console.

For in the white horse's stance, in the silent of night,

We find solace, assurance—everything is right."

~Tammi Campbell-Mendoza

About "Moonlight Sonata"


"Moonlight Sonata" is a visual poetry that beckons viewers to find solace in the embrace of God's joyous light. Hope and faith becomes a living emblem of steadfast peace and trust amidst the unknown in the vast darkness on earth.

God's light resonates like a hymn on the steed in a moment of calm before the storm. Jesus waits patiently for the time unknown until his father tells him, “Go get your bride.” He’ll mount his white steed, a divine escort, for the time has come to return for the judgment of all the earth and the promise to bring the faithful to a new earth and live with them for eternity.